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To learn more about
sponsorship opportunities,
Richard Hudson
[email protected]
Mary Irey
[email protected]

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The Make:TV Audience

Thanks to Make magazine, Make:TV will premiere to an existing audience of over 300,000 fans who already read Make, visit the Web site and enjoy the magazine�s podcasts and videos on YouTube.

We will distribute Make:TV to the nation’s 350+ PBS stations; we project an audience of 1,013,000 adults per week. Each season will consist of 13 half-hour episodes, which stations can repeat up to 6 times over a 4-year period.

The broadcasts will generate a cume audience of over 1.4 million viewers per episode.

Time Frame Adult 18+ Sponsor Impressions
Premiere (January, 2009) 27.3 million
First Repeat 21 million
Future Repeats (2009-2011) 32.8 million
Total Impressions 81.1 million

Who Will Watch Make:TV?

Make:TV will capture Make Magazine's existing fans. Market research shows that Make's readers are:

  • science and technology influentials: the trusted advisors who recommend and advocate products and services to their families, friends, and colleagues,
  • 20-40 years old, on average,
  • well-off: $108,900 average household income, and
  • well-educated:
  • nearly 90% are college educated, and
  • 29% have a graduate-level education.

With Public Television, Make:TV will reach a wider audience by

  • attracting both younger and older viewers,
  • increasing the female audience, and
  • broadening the geographic coverage.

Sponsorship Benefits



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