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Meet Make Magazine

An unabashed love letter to the variety of human innovation.

– Forbes

Popular Mechanics redone for the age of blogs, Linux and laptops.

– Wall Street Journal

A guide to making technology work cheaper and better…or just making cool stuff.

– Rolling Stone

These are just a few rave reviews of Make magazine, the critically acclaimed quarterly published by O'Reilly Media, known worldwide as the premier source for reliable information on today’s technology.

Make is filled with unique projects for readers to make themselves and share with family and friends. Make shows its readers how to do all sorts of projects like:

  • build a backyard monorail,
  • launch a water-powered rocket,
  • make tiny solar-powered robots,
  • tuck a vintage Apple II computer inside a wristwatch,
  • turn an old VCR into an automatic pet feeder, or
  • create a model bird that flies by flapping its wings.

(Click on the magazine covers in the banner above to see more.)

Celebrating Makers

Make celebrates “Makers,” men and women who take control of technology, old or new, tailoring it to fit their individual vision and needs. Ranging from casual do-it-yourselfers to ardent hobbyists to accomplished inventors, Makers imagine, tinker, and create. 

A Growing and Devoted Audience

And they love Make. After only two years, Make boasts a loyal readership of over 300,000. Over 200,000 unique visitors a month view its companion Web site,, and one million viewers per month check out Make's how-to videos on YouTube.

To find out more about why Make is so popular, visit its Web site at (Hit your “back” button to return here!)



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