Sponsor Benefits
Sponsors of Make:TV will reach a coveted audience and link your organization to innovation, creativity, and technology. Sponsorship will allow you to reach audiences through many media:
- Two national spots at the beginning and end of every episode (each spot running 15 seconds), on 13 episodes for a total of 26 premier-run spots
- Sponsor’s spots run on all rebroadcasts of the program, which will have 5 additional releases over 4 years
- Prominent scheduling in popular weekend timeslots
- Stand-out spots in the commercial-free uncluttered Public Television environment
- Guaranteed category exclusivity for the entire season of 13 episodes
- Sponsor’s linked corporate logo on the Make:TV site on makezine.com—a major DIY community Web site with over 2 million unique visitors per month
- Credit on streaming video of the series episodes and/or segments
- Full sponsorship spots on video podcasts of the series episodes on video Web sites
- Full sponsorship spots on series episodes carried by video-on-demand services
- Sponsor’s logo on monthly e-mail newsletter mailed to high-quality opt-in viewers of Make:TV
- Credit on home video DVDs of Make:TV and logo on DVD packaging
- Sponsor participation at Make magazine Maker Faires and other community events
- Availability of Make:TV's featured Makers for corporate events, speeches, seminars, and/or community meetings*
In the Media
- Acknowledgement of sponsor in print, broadcast and online publicity materials as part of the national promotional campaign for Make:TV
* Special events may involve additional costs