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Show Components

Each half-hour episode of Make:TV will include three major segments:

Meet the Makers

We’ll launch every episode with a profile of an expert Maker whose passion for building has led to intriguing—often amazing —inventions. Makers will tell their own stories, sharing with viewers what fascinates, challenges, and drives their creativity. We’ll meet Makers like:

  • Jon and Kyrsten Sarriugarte, who converted a junked parking attendant vehicle into a spaceship-like rover outfitted with kinetic fire sculptures.
  • Tom Chudleigh, who builds suspended spherical tree houses based on sailboat construction and rigging methods.
  • Mark Nye, who for two decades has spent his free time building jet engines, including the Enginerator, the world's first wood-burning turbine generator.

We’ll also visit the many public Maker events that take place across the country, like the annual Punkin Chunkin in Millsboro, DE, where Makers show off gadgets that can hurl pumpkins nearly a mile! Or Make’s own Maker Faire, which brings 45,000 people of all ages to San Mateo, CA to explore projects like fire-breathing trampolines or a supercomputer made from recycled PCs running on vegetable oil.


Each week, a talented and engaging Maker will connect with the viewers and show them how to tackle a challenging, (but not too daunting) project. He or she will walk viewers through the highlights of each project using parts and tools readily found in basements, local hardware and electronics stores, or lumberyards. For example, DIY segments will show how to:

  • build a Web cam for a birdfeeder,
  • launch a high-performance water rocket, or
  • assemble a miniature light-seeking robot.

Maker Commons

The third and most innovative feature of Make:TV will tap into today's user-generated video revolution, inviting Makers to present their creations in their own how-to videos. Already a popular feature on the Make Web site, this segment will turn Make:TV into a showcase for the most imaginative technology creations in America.




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