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Meet the Makers

Here are a couple of examples of the kinds of tinkerers we'll profile each episode:

  • Casimir "Caz" Sienkiewicz is an aerospace engineer who develops high tech projects in his spare time. He shows off an air cannon that launches a T-shirt the length of a football field and a propane flame thrower.  His next project is a prototype for a pulse jet engine for a go-cart!
  • Ed Vogel makes musical instruments, often from unlikely materials, such as his  cigar box banjo or his cracker box amplifier! Ed's philosophy is pure Maker. If you don't have access to a musical instrument, you can easily make your own using only string, and a three-foot board, and an empty cigar box.


Bre Pettis will preview some Make:TV projects, showing how to “bend” a discarded Speak & Spell with a few wires, turning it into a musical instrument.

(Sample some of Bre’s weekly video podcasts here.)

Maker Commons

Make is currently inviting Makers to submit their videos to the makezine Web site, and Make:TV producers are scouting for extraordinary, fun, and amazing projects.  


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